Our Services

Training in TOP© Potential Optimisation Techniques

Optimise your potential with TOP training

Training in TOP© Potential Optimisation Techniques: who for? and why?

TOP© Potential Optimisation Techniques were originally developed by Dr. Edith Perreaut-Pierre for top-flight athletes and the military but have now been widely adopted in many areas of business.

  • Techniques that can be used by everyone, everywhere and in every kind of personal and professional situation.
  • To make full use of one’s resources (physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioural).
  • A toolkit of simple, pragmatic and brief techniques (taking a maximum ten minutes).
  • A method that has been tried and tested in the field and whose positive impact has been scientifically demonstrated.

All about TOP® Potential Optimisation Techniques

TOP for You
Discover and apply the TOP © Method for your own use.

TOP for Others
Become a TOP Practitioner and incorporate the method into your practice and activity.
TOP for the long term
Maintain your TOP Practitioner skills with supervision and masterclasses, become a specialist.
Enable and aid with recovery during health crises.

Our TOP® Potential Optimisation Techniques training courses, designed and coordinated by Edith Perreaut-Pierre, meet three objectives: